Thailand Mail Order Brides: What To Know Beforehand

Many men dream of marrying Mail order bride from Thailand not because of her exotic looks: small stature and tiny figure, but because of their modesty. Thailand brides make great wives, as they are family-oriented and respect their husbands. Of course, if you’re a tourist, you don’t have to worry about the knowledge of the culture of local Thai ladies, but everything is different when you start dating girls from Thailand. Girls from the «Land of Smiles» differ from American women in mentality and behavior, customs, and attitudes to life. So keep reading to learn how find a foreign bride online and how to approach a Thai girl for marriage, and build a happy marriage with her.
Check out the best platforms to find Thailand brides online
Facts about Thai brides
These are the reasons to consider one of the beautiful Thailand mail order brides for your partner:
- They`re smiley. Have you ever heard about the “Land of Smiles”? That`s about Thailand as people have big hearts and kind souls there. They`re very loving, sympathetic, and courteous. Having a Thai mail order bride means your family life is going to be quiet and stress-free.
- They`re respectful. Thai culture is based on two main principles — modesty and respect. That`s why their families are so strong. From a very young age, Thailand brides, like Filipino brides, are taught to be attentive, polite, and appreciative. That`s how they treat their husbands.
What are the unique traits of the Thai wives for sale?
Women from Thailand can impress you with their differences from American and European girls. For example, the chronology of Thai women is different from the world. It’s now the 2565th year in Thailand. Thai wives online will also surprise you with the following features:
- Tidiness. Women from Thailand follow hygiene more intently than American women. They can take a shower even five times a day, if possible. Thai women like to look beautiful. They are always neatly dressed and take care of their hair. Like single French women, Thai brides like to dress brightly and stylishly.
- Superstitions. Asian women believe in many different superstitions that may seem very strange to the American people. For example, touching the head of a local Thai lady is a terrible insult. Thais believe that the head is the container of the soul. Oriental girls pay a lot of attention to symbolic signs and mascots. They think that people born on specific days of the week should follow their symbols. Each day of the week has its color, planet, symbol, animal, and deity.
- Composure. Oriental brides are calm and quiet, as most Thais practice Buddhism. More than 95% of the population of Thailand are Buddhists. Buddhists don’t start conflicts but try to resolve any dispute peacefully. Thai culture is based on two main principles—modesty and respect. Therefore, if you want to get into a calm and measured marriage—an Oriental bride is a perfect choice.
- Tolerance. Like a Portugal girl for marriage, a Thai woman is tolerant of other faiths, traditions, and sexual orientations. Due to the Buddhist belief, the main thing about people is not their appearance or lifestyle but their honesty and decency. In addition, the Buddhist religion also affects Thai wedding traditions, where Buddhist monks must participate.
- Education. Although Thailand is a poor and underdeveloped country, its resident can’t be called illiterate. Most Thai women know English and even Russian. Therefore, you won’t have a language gap if you marry an Oriental girl.
- Slowliness. Women from Thailand are never in a hurry. They are used to living in moderation. Therefore, you won’t meet the fast and unrestrained flow of life in Thai cities. A Thai girl for marriage is used to thinking about every situation and is slow in making decisions. However, it’s unnecessary to consider slowness as a negative trait because it helps Thai girls not make quick and unwise decisions.
Although the mentality and culture of Oriental women may seem strange, it’s not a problem when building relationships. Thai women are tolerant and open to new experiences. If you buy a bride from Thailand, she’ll gladly accept your culture and patiently teach you hers.

How to find a wife in Thailand on dating sites
If you are confident, prefer real communication, and making new acquaintances is not difficult for you, go places that Thai girls like to visit most (restaurants, beaches, etc.). But it may not lead to the long-awaited acquaintance. Therefore, the best option is specialized online sites where you can find Thai wife.
Once the site is selected, create an attractive dating profile. You need to indicate that you want to meet Thai women and look for interesting communication. Then it can lead to relationships and even marriage.
Remember that mail order brides Thailand also love with their eyes. So, take good photos for your portfolio. Periodically update them and add new ones.Of course, you need to communicate with girls. But you shouldn’t chat for years. Moving on to the next stage as soon as possible is advisable—seeing each other via video chat. This way, you will understand whether you really like a Thai woman you talk to or not.
Why do Thailand brides look for a foreign husband?
The reasons are quite obvious. Thai women for sale want a better life and more opportunities they lack in their home country.
Poverty still remains one of the sorest subjects for locals. Even though Thailand has made a remarkable improvement in social, financial, and industrial development, there are about 7 million people who still lack basic-needs products. But Thailand mail order brides believe they deserve better and hope international marriage can bring happiness to their lives.
Another problem Thai mail order wives suffer from is lots of barriers and difficulties that stop them from getting a good education and well-paid jobs. Despite the fact that juridically women can experience many of the same rights as men, the reality isn`t like that. Society expects women to stay home and raise children. But they want a different life.
Gender discrimination
Ladies from Thailand claim their society is ignoring women, even in hard times. No one helps Thai brides to cope with problems like domestic violence that lead to the high rate of suicides, as females aren`t able to bear it. In October 2020 suicides among women rose almost 83% compared to the same month the previous year.
Tips for dating Thai women for marriage
If you keep in mind the following recommendations, your happiness with a Thailand mail order won`t make you wait.
- Don`t be greedy. Thai mail order brides prices which include dating platforms, offline meetings, and expenditures on courtship are usually affordable for foreign grooms (about $200-500/month). Demonstrate to your Thailand mail order wife that you can provide for the family.
- Be helpful. Honestly, poor Thai girls have to bear a lot in life — full-time badly-paid jobs and lots of household duties. Thailand wives for sale need someone who won`t lumber them with the heavy burden of different problems and responsibilities.
- Don’t give reasons for jealousy. Thai women are jealous, perhaps due to the high demand for handsome farangs (one who comes to Thailand from a Western country). Therefore, don’t make a girl get nervous.
- Don’t leave your Thai girl alone. Thai brides for sale hate being alone. They want to maintain a “sanuk” lifestyle with their boyfriends. So, give your woman as much of your time as possible, she will appreciate it.

How does a typical Thai mailorder bride look?
There are many reasons to start thinking of looking for a Thai wife. Here are a few of them.
- Attractive facial features. Thailand ladies for marriage usually have small noses, playful dark eyes, cute cheeks, white teeth, long lashes, and seductive lips. The girls are constant winners of a variety of beauty contests.
- Sexy bodies. You probably can`t find a Thai wife who won`t make you go crazy with her shapes. The women`s bodies are slim, fit, and tiny. The average Thai woman is 156.9 centimeters tall and weighs 57 kilograms. Their skin is tanned and smooth. Hands and feet are small. If you like tiny girls, then buy a bride from Thailand.
- Stylish outfits. Thai wives online surely know everything about how to look stylish and attract men`s attention. They never overdo it with trends and too fashionable clothes. They rather prefer something casual and classic, but modern and comfortable. The girls are also fans of beautiful jewelry. If you don`t know what to give her for a birthday, choose a nice necklace or earrings.
Peculiarity of dating mail order brides from Thailand
Here`s what you should know about Thai brides for you.
- Girls love presents. You can`t find a Thailand mail order bride who wouldn`t appreciate your effort to impress her with a nice gift. They`d expect you to give them something for their birthdays and Valentine`s day. Usually, locals would prefer something useful and practical. And keep in mind that it`s not common for Thais to open a gift in front of the giver.
- Girls don`t rush it. Thai brides for sale aren`t among those girls who are okay to get closer fast. They need time and would want you to give it to them. So be caring and even initiative, but don`t cross the line with kissing, touching, and intimacy when she`s not ready yet.
- Girls want equality. Thailand women for sale suffer from lots of gender gaps. They want their Western husbands to be way more advanced when it comes to relationships. So don`t expect her to do all the housework and raise children. She needs a partner for that.
Do you think one of the mail order Thai brides can become your life partner? Many men choose them and Chinese mail order brides as wives because of their strong family values and respectful attitude. Seems like a perfect mixture. Agree?

Etiquette to keep in mind while dating Thai mail order wives
There are a few key things to keep in mind when you`re going out with a Thai mail order bride:
- Don’t say anything negative about the Thai Royal family while you`re in the country. This isn`t just a dating tip. Doing this can quite literally land you in jail, and you won`t be finding a wife there.
- Do not be “brutally honest” with your date. In Thailand, people are used to being indirect when they`re talking about something delicate that may hurt or offend the other party. If there`s something negative about your Thai mail order bride you want to bring up, be gentle about it.
- When you’re giving flowers to mail order Thai brides, do not include marigolds or carnations. These flowers are used in funerals, and it won`t come across as romantic to your future bride.
- If you`re invited into the house of your Thailand mail order wife, take your shoes and socks off as soon as you enter. Unlike the United States, people in Thailand do not wear shoes or socks indoors.
- When you`re out on a date with your future bride, don`t bring attention to yourself by being loud, and do not eat with your left hand, even if you`re left handed. Both are considered disrespectful in the country.
- Family is extremely important to Thai women. If you want to marry a Thai girl, you need to score good favor with her parents. Bring gifts, eat everything they feed you, and be extremely polite and respectful.